Liviu Giosan and Janok Bhattacharya (ed.) (2005)
River Deltas-Concepts, Models, and Examples
SEPM Special Publication, vol. 83.
Deltas are amongst the most environmentally and economically important coastal sedimentary environments. Studies for delta lag behind research in both fluvial and deep-water depositional systems, as well as more geomorphologically oriented land studies. This knowledge lag reflects both a reorientation of the petroleum industry in the last two decades toward deep-water systems, as well as the difficulty of working across the shoreline with the traditional tools used for oceanographic or land-based work. However, deltaic studies are experiencing a renewed focus, because of their global importance in environmental and other societal concerns. This volume stems from a special session: "Deltas: Old and New", held at the Annual Geological Society of America conference in October 2002, that was convened to highlight these new directions in deltaic research.
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